Competitors must wear a two piece bikini.
The Diva Class allows you to be as creative as you like.
There are no restrictions. Go for what makes you comfortable.
Always choose a bikini that best suits you, remember. your physique is on show, don’t let your bikini outshine you!
No bumping or shoving. Anyone involved in any aggressive behaviour will be disqualified.
Competitor numbers to be worn on the left hand-side of their bottoms.
Competitors will perform a T-Walk
Competitors will perform one pose at the first point followed by three poses at each of the points marked on the T-walk.
The direction may change from show to show depending on the stage layout .
YOU MUST only perform four poses, however these can be *any poses you feel suits your personality.
* No lewd or offensive posing will be permitted.
Comparisons (Quarter Turns)
Pose 1: Front Pose
Pose 2: Side Pose – your choice
Pose 3: Back Pose
Pose 4: Side Pose – your choice
Pose 5: Front Pose
Please remember that you can be as creative as you wish in the Diva Model category, this is all about you standing out.
What The Judges are Looking for.
The Diva category is for competitors who want to be creative with their posing without being
restricted in showcasing their personality whilst on stage. This is all about the marketable look while
still showcasing a healthy, toned physique.
The judges are looking for exceptional stage
presence, oozing with confidence and the x-factor that will wow the crowd.